Knowledgebase: Object Recognition
Can AscentialTest recognize Texts ?
Posted by Novalys Support on 28 August 2018 02:15 PM


  • AscentialTest can recognize a text painted on top of the application – a windows 10 banner with a system message for instance.
    In this case, AT will identify this text as an object and take the proper actions.

  • It also works if the text objects are not present at design time.

  • This also works in the case of a webpage with a long table, not entirely visible at first:
    AscentialTest can scroll down automatically, to find the text that will be recognized as an object.
    This text can be used with a selector to find some rows and manipulate data within these rows.

    Please refer to the documentation for more information about creating and manipulating Selectors

  • Text recognition is not OCR, but an AscentialTest proprietary technology


More about text recognition:

Recognize texts and define them as objects
Recognize texts and define them as objects
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